Drone shows are a fascinating way to add wonder to any event. An optimal choice for creating immersive experiences that will create a long-term impression in your guests’ mind.

The benefits of using drones for your event

  • Surprising visual effects : light drones can create impressive and unexpected visual effects in the sky, providing a unique visual experience for the audience.
  • Small footprint : unlike fireworks or pyrotechnic effects, light drones don't require a lot of space and don't need large or bulky installations.
  • Sustainability : light drones produce no waste or pollution and are 100% energy self-sufficient thanks to their batteries, making them one of the most sustainable options for outdoor events.
But at Diffuse, we don't stop there!

Our mission : Cultivate Wonder! Each show we create is special with captivating visuals and custom music. We want to elevate even the most basic event into an unforgettable moment.

That's why we have implemented :

  • A creative laboratory: Each show is a new concept. We look for a common thread and a singular scenario. We make a priority to create shows that evoke emotions and reflect your story. 
  • A mobile maintenance laboratory: Our drones are checked before and after the show. However, in order to provide an optimal realization, we come on each show with our mobile maintenance laboratory, allowing us to ensure on the spot the controls, verifications and/or repairs that are required.
  • A personalized approach: We base our accompaniment on trust and exchanges. We create the show with you and according to you. We share you the advancement. 
  • An R&D program: To ensure that your show is consistently innovative, original and secure, our team attends training sessions.

We want to reinvent the idea of a drone show and prove that it is an undeniable artistic tool. We create more than a show. We push the limits of imagination to create an audacious reality.

You want to create a memorable event with a drone light show ? Contact us ! We will be glad to discuss your project and provide you more information.
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