It orients decisions and behaviors at all organizational levels. 

Its stakeholders adhere to the same philosophy and codes.

They deal with issues such as : raw material sourcing, human rights, biodiversity.


  • Diffuse is concerned with conducting itself with responsibility and integrity.
  • Diffuse is committed to respecting laws and regulations
  • Diffuse ensures that the dignity and rights of each person are respected.
  • Diffuse is mobilized to encourage all its employees in their professional development.

We attach importance to behaviours and conduct with our key stakeholders:

  • Our team 
  • Our clients and their customers
  • Our partners 
  • Our competitors 

And this, by spreading our philosophy and our corporate culture, by committing to : 

Our team, our employees

  • Respect the values and principles of loyalty, integrity and responsibility.
  • Providing a supportive work environment free of all harassment and discrimination, highlighting diversity and equal opportunity.
  • Develop well-being in the workplace. 
  • Protect the personal data of our employees.

Our partners and competitors

  • Ensure transparency and quality of exchanges and contracts.
  • Unite suppliers, partners and subcontractors to the Diffuse corporate culture.
  • Ensure free competition to operate in a market governed by goodwill and good understanding.

Diffuse is strongly committed to respecting the environment :

  • By minimizing and evaluating its environmental footprint. 
  • By guaranteeing a sustainable development approach:
  • 0% Emissions
  • 0% Waste
  • 0% Loss of resources
  • 80% Recycled 
  • By putting all resources at its disposal to ensure animal welfare: 
  • Fire prevention. 
  • Low noise emission shows : 80 dB at 10 meters and 56 dB at 160 meters.

Diffuse ensures the origin, quality and supply of its raw materials, with a partner : Drotek. A company offering raw materials and a sustainable manufacturing process: reuse, restoration, repair and recycling.

  • 100% Made in France
  • 80% recycled: all Drotek drone batteries are collected and recycled by a specialized organization.


  • Sponsor an association working against the extinction of bees. 
  • Obtain the Label of service providers for live performances.
  • Obtain the Alsace brand.
  • Ensure the recycling of our drone batteries.


  • Obtain the Label Engaged CSR.
  • Ensure the autonomy of drone shows from sustainable energy.
You want to create a memorable event with a drone light show ? Contact us ! We will be glad to discuss your project and provide you more information.
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