Generally speaking, the safety rules and their application between drone shows and fireworks displays are quite similar. The main difference between fireworks and drones is that a fireworks display is subject to a prefectoral declaration, whereas a drone show is subject to an authorization request.

Administrative matters

For fireworks displays, a prefectoral declaration is sometimes required, depending on the size of the show - this varies according to the quantity of powder used and the category of fireworks involved.

Whereas for drone shows, several authorizations are required for each show.

Our drone light shows are subject to two main authorizations:

  • A request for authorization to operate, to be filed with the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile),
  • A request for authorization to organize a public air show of unmanned aircraft operating under authorization to operate, to be filed with the Prefecture.

In our company, our DGAC-recognized Flight Director will take care of all your requirements, keeping you informed of the progress of the various procedures with the DGAC and the Prefecture, as well as with potential air managers such as army airbases, helipads, military training zones (VOLTAC, SETBA)...

The technical point

From a technical point of view, the safety perimeter of a drone show is defined around the maximum flight volume, taking into account various factors such as ballistics, drone speed and terrain topography.

The perimeter for a fireworks display, on the other hand, is calculated according to the pyrotechnic product requiring the greatest safety distance for each firing point (see example).

What's more, unlike a fireworks display, all persons operating a lighted drone show must be trained (ERP, phraseology, operational procedures, etc.).

Whereas for a fireworks display, any adult under the authority of the person in charge of the display may handle the pyrotechnic articles. (See Arrêté du 31 mai 2010 relatif à l'acquisition, la détention et l'utilisation des artifices de divertissement et des articles pyrotechniques destinés au théâtre).

At Diffuse, our teams are trained in all aspects of the performing arts, and most of our staff are experienced pyrotechnicians. Each of them holds a F4T2 Level 1 and/or 2 qualification certificate, and also has prefectoral approval for the acquisition, possession and use of category 4 fireworks and category T2 pyrotechnic articles.‍

You want to create a memorable event with a drone light show ? Contact us ! We will be glad to discuss your project and provide you more information.
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