On January 05, 2023, Diffuse contacted teams from the "Prestataire de service du spectacle vivant ®" label and SYNPASE, and the adventure began. Accompanied by Pikria QAVLASHVILI and Philippe ABERGEL, Diffuse offered to commit itself fervently to creating a common base for this new activity, the drone light show.

A true partnership

This project would never have been possible without the support of the "Prestataire de service du spectacle vivant ®" label and SYNPASE.‍

What is the "Prestataire de Service du Spectacle Vivant ®" label ?

Created in 1998 by the social partners, the "Prestataire de Service du Spectacle Vivant®" label is intended for companies whose main activity involves the use of show and event technology. In 2008, the extension of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for technical companies serving the creative and event industries (IDCC 2717) made this label compulsory for companies falling within its scope and wishing to use the fixed-term contract of use (CDDU) - art. 4.3.1. The awarding committee checks that the company complies with a number of criteria, including:

- Correct application of collective agreement IDCC 2717 (functions, minimum wages, proposals for permanent contracts based on contractual thresholds, etc.),

- Tax and social security compliance,

- Third-party liability insurance,

- Keeping a stock of equipment suited to the activity and sales, and verifying that the equipment held complies with regulations,

- Reasoned recourse to CDDU (the ratio of "permanent staff hours to intermittent staff hours").

This label enables event organizers to be sure of working with a service provider that is serious and diligent in its work in general, but also in its social, economic and environmental commitment.

What is SYNPASE ?

SYNPASE is a trade association created in 1988 to represent and defend the interests of audiovisual, entertainment and event professionals. It represents the interests of our companies in socio-professional and joint bodies, with professional organizations and public authorities. In particular, its mission is to:

- Participate in social negotiations and the professional structuring of our professions.

- Provide information on legislation specific to our professions (fact sheets, notes, telephone hotline, etc.)

- Set up thematic working groups, initiate specific projects and produce regulatory texts

- Provide information and training on subjects such as safety and respect for the environment

- Provide input on new issues impacting our professions.

Project history

Diffuse's teams come from the performing arts world and were already familiar with SYNPASE and the "Prestataire de Service du Spectacle Vivant®" label, so it was important for us to be affiliated to IDCC 2717, join SYNPASE and obtain the "Prestataire de Service du Spectacle Vivant®" label.

The first exchanges were initiated on January 05, 2023 with Pikria QAVLASHVILI and Philippe ABERGEL, and it was not long before we agreed to work together on updating the national collective agreement for technical companies serving creation and events (IDCC 2717), with the aim of integrating our new activity and the new professions that arise from it by creating a real framework for them.

It was therefore with great pleasure, and after more than a year of work and exchanges with the various employers' organizations Synpase, FICAM Pro, LÉVÉNEMENT and the employees' unions F3C CFDT, Synptac-CGT, SFA-CGT, SNAJ-CFTC, FASAP-FO that a single collective agreement was unanimously signed on June 27, 2024.

This agreement now covers all companies working in the entertainment, events, audiovisual and creative sectors. It will cover all employees of companies offering services on behalf of creative clients, producers, organizers or cultural/event venues, and operating in the following sectors :

- Technical service companies for the film, audiovisual and multimedia industries.

- Technical service companies for the performing arts and events.

- Companies operating marquees, tents and structures (CTS).

- Event agencies.

- Model agencies.

In particular, this collective agreement covers our new professions linked to drone light shows, as well as corporate social responsibility (such as eco-regency professions), which are becoming increasingly important for creative and event professionals. It will also bring the benefits of a collective bargaining agreement to employees who, until now, were not obliged to benefit from one (in particular, employees of event agencies, permanent employees of modeling agencies and catering staff).

From now on, our various professions, such as drone show designer, operations manager, telepilot or observer technician, will be recognized and regulated in social terms. The new collective agreement now provides a framework for our profession in terms of :

- the definition of the various positions;

- the determination of the various tasks associated with the positions;

- the levels of the various positions in relation to responsibilities;

- the minimum remuneration for the various positions.

The collective agreement will also open up eligibility for CDDU for remote pilot and observer technician positions.

The agreement will come into force as soon as it is extended by the Ministry of Labor in the coming months.

We would like to congratulate all those involved in the creation of this new branch, which will enable professionals to retain control of their social destiny, taking into account the specific characteristics of each, and to benefit from the weight and visibility of a large branch - expected to bring together around 50,000 employees - and active in the service of the general interest.

At Diffuse, we take to heart the various social issues in order to protect our profession and our employees. Holders of the "Label prestataire de service du spectacle vivant" ® since our creation, we work daily to go even further in our social, economic and environmental commitments.

Find attached the official press release : https://www.synpase.fr/COMMUNIQUE-CC-2024.pdf

You want to create a memorable event with a drone light show ? Contact us ! We will be glad to discuss your project and provide you more information.
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